Nursery Years
We have best early years program for children aged 2.5 to 4. School provide solid foundation during Nursery years. The Nursery curriculum provides a right array of activities help children move towards to achieving their early learning goals.
- Introduce sounds of alphabet through songs, cards and related activities.
- Children develop their moral value through story telling by their teachers
- Recognize and quantify No 1 to 10 with concrete objects.
- Identify people and places around us

Junior KG
School offer Junior KG program for children aged 4 to 5years. This level we are focus on development of the oral as well written skills, with this focus we also review about their like-dislike and potential of the students. The subjects formally studies during this year includes,
- Gujarati: Gujarati kako, small words and matching words
- English: Orally A to Z and try to write few alphabets
- Maths: Identify & writing the numbers 1 to 10 and and able to speak 1 to 100
- Able to speak weekdays and month, identify colors & animal and sing poems
Senior KG
School offer Senior KG program for children aged 5 to 6 years. At this stage teacher focus on student's solid foundation on Maths and Languages thus helping children to move on their Primary years. The subjects formally studied during this year includes,
- Gujarati: Able to read & write simple sentences, story telling about picture
- English: Reading & writing alphabets, simple words, write numbers in words
- Maths: Identify & write numbers up to 100, simple tables and plus minus
- Poems, story telling, self introduction and answer simple questions, basic art, physical activity, yoga & sports